Feed Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

This is the error message encountered when you have exceeded the bandwidth limit on a feed. It is accompanied by a "HTTP 509 - Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" status.

What does this mean?

Each feed is assigned a monthly bandwidth limit based on the number of properties on the feed. This limit is calculated to prevent runaway costs of extreme bandwidth use from rogue bots or incorrect processing of the feed.

At a minimum, the bandwidth allowance is calculated to allow one full feed import + daily incremental updates and a generous multiplier.

You should never encounter the bandwidth limit while processing the feed in a normal and efficient manner.

What can I do if I have hit the bandwidth limit?

Bandwidth is mostly caused by photo downloads. When processing the feed, you should only download photos on the first encounter of a new property, or if a property that you had encountered before has a different date value than last time you processed it.

This should mean that after your first import, the process runs very efficiently, only downloading photos for new or updated properties. 

If you do this, you should be well below the bandwidth limit, failure to efficiently process the feed is usually the cause of excess bandwidth use.

If you believe you are not the cause of the excess bandwidth, please email support@advanceagent.co.uk including details of the feed, and any server IP addresses related to your processing of the feed.

When will I have access again?

Bandwidth limits are reset each month, so if you have hit the limit you will have access again on the 1st of the next month.

I've fixed my import process, now what?

If you have made changes to the way that you process feeds to reduce bandwidth consumption, please email support@advanceagent.co.uk with details of the feed that you use and the changes made to request a review and potential early bandwidth reset.

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